[Maddy,] as skillfully played by Angela Morris, this well-off, self-enfranchised college coed, has a lot more going on, just beneath the surface, than the audience realizes. When Ms. Morris finally lets loose and faces off against Sharlene, we see a talented actress at the top of her game.”
Colin Douglas on Twilight Bowl – Chicago Theatre Review
[Fr]esh, funny, spirited and graceful … starring … Angela Morris, in a sleeper role that stole the show as the Winnetka native Maddy, who is overwhelmed … searching for succor, yet ultimately a survivor.”
Debra Davy on Twilight Bowl – Splash Magazine
In the play’s world premiere at the Goodman, director Erica Weiss delivers a ruggedly affectionate production that is made special by a superb young cast.… In the following scenes—which introduce[s] … Sam’s friend Maddy (Angela Morris, who lights up the stage with her livewire anxiousness)—Gilman widens her canvas to touch on larger issues.”
Alex Huntsberger on Twilight Bowl – Time Out Chicago
Director Erica Weiss’ staging is laced with deep veins of empathy and humor, and the six actors imbue their performances with layers of nuance. … Maddy, deliciously played by Angela Morris, is a Winnetka native who expects people to be impressed when she mentions she graduated from New Trier.”
Kris Vire on Twilight Bowl – Chicago Sun-Times
The Obituary Writer is the protagonist of Death by Dying, but Charlotte, played by Angela Morris, is one of the most standout characters. Direct, sharp, but still emotional, Charlotte takes that feeling of goofy randomness and turns it into something more tangible, something worth analyzing. It’s Charlotte who makes the stakes of the story feel genuine, turning a once-silly, somewhat fluffy show into something earnestly dramatic and even, at times, terrifying.”
Wil Williams on Death by Dying – Wil Williams Reviews
Featuring … Angela Morris as the fascinating and multi-layered Margarie, who is determinedly fixated on self-transcendence….”
Debra Davy on Hang Man – Splash Magazine
Jess McLeod[‘s] … production contains some standout performances (Morris in particular)….”
Alex Huntsberger on Hangman – TimeOut Chicago