Monitor Review

I shot two shorts in the last three days. Both were for a DePaul Grad school directing course.

At one of the shoots Johnny Depp came up. Someone said that he doesn’t watch his work. He says that it’s not his job.
Perhaps when one has achieved his level of expertise there is no need to review one’s work. At my level (film newb), I find playback to be pretty invaluable. However, what I’m not interested in is viewing the monitor in the midst of filming.  Perhaps “interested” is the wrong way to word that. It’s absolutely tempting. But, I think you have to trust your director. If I watch and start worrying about whether or not my chin is down or my makeup looks bad I get in my head. 
Am I going to get burned by relying too much on the director? Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll see. I’ll let you know if it happens.