Bad bad blogger

Soooo….. Hey guys, it’s been awhile. Rest assured that I have not been idle. In fact, I got really busy and had a thousand things on my to do list. Somehow this blog didn’t make it on there even though I totally could have worked it in. Procrastination, thy name is Angela.

The show I was in closed at the beginning of this month, and then I went straight into a brutal three day shoot for a short film. We didn’t have a night where I got out of there before 2 AM.

After that, I got to see Chicago Shake’s Seussical, which was delightful, before heading out to North Carolina for a bit.

I should be back in the city tomorrow night for an audition. (Hopefully, the time line is stressing me out a bit.)

Anyhoo, exciting days. A real post with (I hope) useful information to come this Thursday. I’m thinking it will be some tidbits I’ve picked up during my voiceover class.