Category Archives: Uncategorized

You Should Read: Red Rising

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to Amazon. As always, I only link to things that I love.

Golden Son  (sequel to Pierce Brown’s Red Rising (The Red Rising Trilogy, Book 1)) drops (is that appropriate usage or is that only an album thing? *sigh, the questions that keep me up at night) today!  In celebration, I’m re-reading Red Rising before I start Golden.

I remember well the first time that I read this book.

It was evening, I’d been falling down the rabbit hole of Amazon recommendations when I came upon Red Rising. Quite honestly, I was more than a little hesitant at the whopping $10.99 price for an e-book. I could probably have bought a hardcover at that price (a tiny children’s one…) but, in an impulsive and fiscally irresponsible move, I one-clicked the hell out it. And boy, oh boy was I glad devastated that I did. This is not a small book. It’s 382 pages (5971 locations) long and Pierce Brown kept me up the entire night reading.

Tangent: Not to say that the economy and general state of the world isn’t concerning, but the books/entertainment coming out of these uncertain times are largely my favorites, and Red Rising really hits it. The book features: a dystopian world; a rigid class structure; a tragic love; and a savior hero.

I figured I’d let the book speak for itself. If you’re not sold on reading it from these, nothing I say is going to change your mind.

Quotes from the Book or Why You Should Read Red Rising: (No spoilers)

Love: “In her eyes, I see my heart. In her breath, I hear my soul.”

The Braveheart Quote: “Death isn’t empty like you say it is. Emptiness is life without freedom.”

The Struggle Against the Overlords: “We’re empire-breakers….”

The Rigid Class Divide: “If I saw myself on the street, I would hate me.”

The hero: ” ‘If you punch me back, you will be sent home, Pixie.’ I kick him in the shin.”

In conclusion, read it. Then read Golden Son and we can discuss.





Jason Momoa’s Game of Thrones Audition Tape

As previously discussed in my post about Rose Byrn’s Get Him to the Greek Audition Tape, I firmly believe that studying professionals’ audition videos provide wonderful learning tools for actors.

I hadn’t seen Jason Momoa’s Game of Thrones Audition before, but, luckily for me, the tape is currently trending like crazy.

Talk about a mic dropping audition. He GOES for it. He is terrifying and completely captivating.

Also, let’s discuss wardrobe. This is more than Rose Byrn’s suggestion of character. The man is wearing gauntlets, an open shirt, and a necklace with…are those teeth? I’m pretty sure those are teeth. However, he’s not rocking all out animal skins and war paint. He gives us enough to see him as Khal Drogo. It takes no imagination to believe that he could lead the Dothraki, and yet we aren’t taken out of his performance by any distracting costume choices.

Further, the tape ends with Momoa still in character. The last thing we see is not the actor, but Khal Drogo getting ready to maim a spoiled prince or eat a horse heart or something. He ends as he began, super strong and So. Good.

Set Stories: My Truck’s Bigger Than Your “Art Film”

Sometimes I forget how awful people can be. Call it naive, call it rose-colored glasses, call it what you want, but displays of utter lack of decency take me by surprise.

This past weekend I was on two overnights for a shoot (call time was 6:50 PM, I was getting a ride back to my apartment at about 4 AM). The first day (night) went really well. People passing by wanted to know what we were doing, what all the lights and equipment were for, etc. I’m sure they hoped that they had stumbled upon Chicago Fire (me too y’all, me too), but were totally cool when they were let down.

The second night had a visitor who was less than thrilled at our presence. Before I begin the story, let it be noted that all permits were in place.

It started when he had to maneuver around a camera set up to parallel park his gigantic truck. He let us know we were less than welcome by screaming “This is my house!” OK, dude, whatever, no one’s stopping you from doing anything. He parks and unloads his truck while his mortified teenage son tries to disappear into the sidewalk. We don’t think anything else of it.

Then, about half an hour later, when we’ve changed set ups and moved down a little bit, he comes barreling down the street in his truck, having un-parked and driven around the block.

He yells that he doesn’t care about the little “Art Film” and that this shouldn’t be happening on “his street” and he’s going to call the cops. Our fabulous DP replies to go ahead, call the cops, and shows him the permits.

At this point, the man gets angry and DRIVES OVER a traffic saw horse in order to speed through the set. He then parks in exactly the same spot.

Luckily there was no damage to equipment or person besides the horse he drove over, but that kind of behavior baffles me. What kind of day or life did that guy have to make him so angry? In other words, “What is your damage, Heather?”

Burning the Midnight Oil

As I begin this post, it’s 4:50. In the AM. I don’t actually remember the last time I’ve seen 4:50 from staying up all night. Oh, yeah I do. The last time I was awake this late it was a result of subjecting myself to a horror movie featuring terrifying ghosts. I couldn’t go to sleep until the sun came up. Yes, I realize that I have an over active imagination and that my emotions are easily manipulated by movies.

Today, however, I am still awake because I’ve been pounding out a screenplay. I’m trying to take the advice to create my own content seriously. I am posting this here because, allegedly, if I shout it out to the world I am more likely to follow through (that’s what the internet told me). The story is in its very preliminary stages. I have a rough outline and some dialogue. That’s not much, but it’s certainly better than nothing. Hopefully, in a year or so from now, the film will be on its way to being produced. Or, I will have learned so much from the process that I wrote another, better screenplay and it’s being produced. The way I see it, those are only two option. Success or success.

Here’s Peter O’Toole singing “The Impossible Dream,” from Man of La Mancha, to inspire us all.

In other news, I have been cast in another student film that shoots the first weekend of October.

P.S. If there are typos please be a doll and ignore them. I’m so tired that my eyes are doing funny things.


A Couple of Redesigns

Hey All,

A little while back I decided that I absolutely hated the way that my website looked. So, I redesigned it. I also cleaned up the code. It was, to put it mildly, a hot mess.

Click here to see my new website. Tell me what you all think.

I am much happier with the way it looks. Unfortunately I’m having some issues with the CSS of my photo album. The last two pictures take the viewer back to the beginning of the slide show. I don’t know how to fix it, but I’m researching solutions.

And, as hopefully you noticed, I’ve updated the look of this blog. I wanted something more minimalist and (can you sense a theme?) cleaner.

There are also going to be some content changes that accompany this new look. I’m getting more and more into filmmaking, so I will also be sharing resources along those lines. In short, I’m expanding beyond an entirely acting based focus. So LOOK OUT WORLD.


Bad bad blogger

Soooo….. Hey guys, it’s been awhile. Rest assured that I have not been idle. In fact, I got really busy and had a thousand things on my to do list. Somehow this blog didn’t make it on there even though I totally could have worked it in. Procrastination, thy name is Angela.

The show I was in closed at the beginning of this month, and then I went straight into a brutal three day shoot for a short film. We didn’t have a night where I got out of there before 2 AM.

After that, I got to see Chicago Shake’s Seussical, which was delightful, before heading out to North Carolina for a bit.

I should be back in the city tomorrow night for an audition. (Hopefully, the time line is stressing me out a bit.)

Anyhoo, exciting days. A real post with (I hope) useful information to come this Thursday. I’m thinking it will be some tidbits I’ve picked up during my voiceover class.


Yesterday (Monday (I know I’m late)), was the first rehearsal for The Hamlet Project, a show I’m doing. I’ve even got my own page under The Company. Mayhap I’m unreasonably excited about that. Anyway,
[Oh wow. Two Steps From Hell’s Heart of Courage just came up on my Pandora station, this post just got super epic feeling. Back to it, sorry….] I absolutely hate to be late for commitments. I get a little ball of stress deep inside my soul if there’s even an inkling that I might hold something up. [This STATION IS AWESOME!!! Gaelic Storm just came up. Seriously, do yourself a favor and add the Epic Soundtrack station to your Pandora. And now Pirates!!!!! GAH!!!! My life feels so EPIC right now!!!!] What was I even talking about?

Right. So my bus broke down. I would have been early had the universe aligned for me. Nope. It breaks down a twenty minute walk from the theatre. I text the CTA bus hotline to see when the next one arrives. 29 minutes. This is, of course, after four buses had gone by while my fellow passengers and I were communing on our non-moving metal-chariot. Off I go, setting out into the great Chicago unknown. I get there 10 minutes late. Hate that.

But, rehearsal was awesome. I’m beyond excited to be working with the amazingly talented cast and director.

What’s the point of this post? You ask. No idea. You’re going to be late to stuff so no worries???? Meh.